
I came to Maria for help overcoming my issues with self-esteem, and she was such a warm, supportive, and sensitive presence during our session together. I have gained a new perspective on some old memories that I've carried with me for my whole life, and it's been powerful learning experience.
Mike S
Maria Fanelli is a gifted healer filled with wisdom and peace. When I met Maria, I had already had some business success. And I felt stuck in multiple areas of my life and finances. Working with Maria and RTT has given me a new joy in my work and excitement for hitting the next level in my career. I now feel more confident and ready to take on my life and business. Oh, and I just signed my first book deal too! -Mariko Brenner CEO and founder Modern Muse
My session with Maria was incredible. She is a very kind, knowledgeable, and trustworthy practitioner. I felt safe expressing some of the deeper challenges I have struggled with and felt nothing but a compassionate container prior to the actual Rapid Transformational Hypnosis experience, which is what allowed me to bring to the forefront the memories attached and space to heal. Maria took the time to ask me what I'd actually want in my life if I didn't have these past memories and misbeliefs I have attached to them. Thank you Maria for your guidance! I have had other hypnosis sessions, but none of them have come close to what Rapid Transformational Therapy has healed within me so far.
Kaylin B
Maria has become a guiding force of light for me. I could not have reached my goal without her. Maria’s patience, knowledge and wisdom are priceless! Maria helped me find my courage, get back on track and reach a goal I was ready to give up on! Whether you need a push or guidance on your path - Maria is someone you can Trust to help you! Her approach is simple, gentle and effective. Maria is truly wonderful! Stephanie D
I am noticing changes in other aspects of my life, job and involvement in other areas. It's blowing me away sometimes...subtle and yet powerful.
Carol Robertson
After my session with Maria, my clarity and determination were more on-point than ever. A veil of worry had clearly been lifted and, therefore, I had more energy to dedicate to manifesting the positive outcomes I had been working toward.
John C
In stressful situations I lose focus, clench my jaw and tighten my shoulders. Maria taught me to be aware of my reactions and easy strategies to stay focused, relaxed and in control...life changing! Dianne T
I loved Maria's Mindfulness class. Being able to understand the theory behind the practice and actually being able to participate in guided practice without having to leave home was so convenient. Mindfulness practice has already benefitted me in my personal life with being able to recognize rumination patterns and immediately relieving them. This practice will also greatly benefit me in my new career as a therapist. Thank you, Maria! Laura R
I have so much respect for Maria and had amazing sessions with her. Her knowledge is an inspiration and a gift to this world. I would recommend anyone who is looking for a practitioner with a beautiful heart and passion to use Maria without any doubts.
Dhara Jani, Life Coach
Maria's passion for her work shines through in our sessions. I really feel cared for by her and her enthusiasm is contagious! She is a key support and source of inspiration for me for navigating positive life changes.
Mara Wai, Program Manager
Maria creates a very personal experience and that is the key to her effective approach. In addition, she is well versed and has a variety of life experiences that make her methods very rich. She pulls from modern medicine and ancient wisdom and contemporary practices. The other component that makes her very unique is that she is in touch with the real world and all the stress that it brings. Maria presents herself in an authentic and professional manner.
Peg Below, Hospital Director
Maria is a caring, dedicated professional. I have to admit that I am somewhat of a skeptic about many things but Maria's down-to-earth "real person" approach quickly won me over. She has helped me tremendously and I simply cannot recommend her highly enough.
Kathy Smith
Maria helped me to reduce significant stress in my life. She taught me methods for calming the mind and body, and helped me to realize, understand and confront forces causing stress in my life. Since taking the course, I have made a major change in my life and feel renewed.
Maria is a thoughtful, purposeful and empowering practitioner whose mission is to help others live their best possible life.
Vicki Murdoch
Maria has helped me to be more focused, energetic and to trust my intuition.
Robyn LaRosa
Maria helped me snap out of my negativity. I was driving myself crazy trying to better my life and nothing seemed to work! With Maria’s techniques, I literally broke out of the "insanity loop" - doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I'm so very grateful for all that Maria has done for me because without her, I would still be "insane".
Un Pak, Quality Manager
Maria is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. You know the old saying "practice what you preach"? She is a perfect example of this. I don't know many people who are as warm, accepting and non-judgmental as she is. I truly trust her guidance and teachings.
Robin Hall, Media Professional
I feel I now have tools to deal with stress and to more clearly focus on my goals and the self imposed obstacles that keep me from achieving my goals.
Suzanne O'Connell, Senior Associate
I feel more "tuned-in" to life and people. If more people had Maria’s training the world would be a better place.
Beth Hendricks
Maria is a great teacher – positive, full of life and a great sense of humor! She also cares a great deal and that comes through during interactions with her.
Debra Blair
“Maria is absolutely wonderful, I have learned a lot from her.”
Jayanthi Subramaniam
In the vernacular: “ Maria Rocks”
Carol Oatis